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Crodarom® Cotton

Cotton plants produce creamy-white flowers which soon turn deep pink and then fall, leaving small green seedpods, known as cotton “bolls”, which contain the seeds.''Cotton is native to most subtropical countries and was already used for its medicine and cosmetic properties by the ancient Chinese and Hindus. Symbol of softness, innocence, purity, of nobility, cotton, vegetable fibre, is connect to the feeling of comfort, coolness, wellness and smoothness.
House Interior
Product details


  • Fabric & laundry care


  • Solubiliser

Regional availability

  • Europe
  • N America

Physical form

  • Liquid

Product brochures & guides

Category: Brochure

Title: Botanicals for Home Care - brochure

Crodarom offers the product formulator a unique source of plant extracts and marketing information in order to assist with the creation of new...

Language: English | Size: 1407kb

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