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Phytexcell™ Calendula

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This shining golden flower opens to the light and closes at night, following the trajectory of the sun and earning the name “the Sun’s fiancee”.''Cultivated by the Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus and Arabs, Marigold is a popular garden plant which grows in Europe. In the form of an extract, Calendula can be used for soothing properties in tissue coatings and fabric care applications.
House Interior

Product details


  • Automatic & hand dishwash
  • Fabric & laundry care
  • Tissue coatings
  • Waxes & polishes


  • Solubiliser

Regional availability

  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • N America

Physical form

  • Liquid


  • Halal grades available

Product brochures & guides

Category: Brochure

Title: Botanicals for Home Care - brochure

Crodarom offers the product formulator a unique source of plant extracts and marketing information in order to assist with the creation of new...

Language: English | Size: 1407kb

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